
First of all, what is a school?

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A school is an institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers.

So why is school presumed to be hated by most students? What are the devised solutions? The answer, we’ll find as we read on.

To actually gather data regarding the topic, we have conducted a survey where we got 29 responses. These people’s identity were concealed during the survey as we conducted it online with the help of Google Forms.

These are the devised questions:

  • Do you hate school?
  • How many are the number of subjects per day? (ranging from 2-6)
  • For how long are you expected to be in school? (in hours)
  • Do you hate homeworks?
  • Would you do your homeworks on weekends?
  • Do you answer your homeworks on the due date?
  • Do you feel pressured in school?
  • Do you find classes boring?
  • Do you hate bullies?
  • Do you get stressed trying to get good grades?
  • Do you hate annoying classmates that keep on asking questions?
  • Is your lunch not enough?
  • Do you envy popular students?
  • Do you hate mean teachers?
  • Do you get stressed about failing the exams?
  • Do you hate physical activities?
  • Do you hate getting up early in the morning?
  • Do you get tired with all the task the teachers give?
  • Do you have friends?
  • Do you feel sad about your popularity in school?
  • Do you feel like your efforts aren’t appreciated?
  • Do you think some of the rules in your school don’t matter?
  • Do you feel like a prisoner in your school?
  • Do you think school starts very early?
  • Do you hate favoritism from your teachers?

From the questions above, we have gathered results that are significant for the study. Here are the gathered results that we considered to be the main reasons why students hate school:



From the gathered data, we have found out it’s not really the school itself that the students hate, but the administrator’s way of handling the students and the institution. It is also in line to the fact that there are some students who bully others just for fun. Moreover, these are the assumed reasons why students hate school:










We’re sure there is more to what we have gathered here, and we are looking forward to finding out more reasons why most students hate school to have a more effective solution to resolve the issue. Currently, here are some devised solutions:

  • making school works a lot more fun
  • rescheduling the start of the first class
  • promoting anti-bullying
  • lessening homeworks, especially on a weekend
  • encouraging students and appreciating their efforts


We have come to realize that the issue is not as hard to resolve if only we work hand in hand to fix it. First, we can make school works a lot more fun by working together and creating meaningful memories in the process. The rescheduling of the first class may be hard though, so we suggest you just sleep early so it’s not as hard to wake up to prepare and just be in time for class. You can also do your homework at school so you don’t have to do it at home; don’t be so literal. Encouraging and appreciating students are also achievable, it just needs a little push and kind words. Promoting anti-bullying starts within ourselves, do more.

Note: We are still searching for more solutions to resolve the issue.

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