Cuizon, Clevine Keth

Hi! I’m Clevine Keth M. Cuizon, 17 years old. I live in Buaya Lapu-Lapu City. I’m currently studying at University of San Jose Recoletos where many students are beautiful and handsome. I am a Grade 11 student and my favorite color is blue. My mother’s name is Cherry M. Cuizon and my father’s name is Jay T. Cuizon. I have one sister, her name is Claire Diane M. Cuizon.


About our topic, we chose to study why students hate school. Students don’t hate the school but the homeworks, projects and many tasks that the teacher give. Many students hate the teacher as well because they give lots of activities and demand to submit it the next day. It’s causing a lot of students to feel pressured. Students even think that they will just end their life because they are tired of everything. This century, many teenagers are sensitive that’s why they think that they will end their life because it is the best solution to forget all the pain and unfinished task.

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